Coronavirus (COVID-19)
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Message From Hurley
The global pandemic changed so many things about the way we live, the way we work, and the way patients seek care. We’re thinking differently about our health, our safety and how to care for ourselves and our families after learning many lessons from Covid-19.
The care we provide really starts with who we are – a trusted community and regional health care resource. Although many things in all of our lives will continue to look different as a result of the pandemic, you can still count on the care that you have come to expect from Hurley Medical Center.
We will continue to have visitor guidelines in place and we will require masking in designated areas of our facilities. Please know that these interventions are necessary for the safety and welfare of our patients, employees and visitors.
We encourage you, as always, to call your doctor first to seek care when possible. Schedule appointments with your doctor for chronic conditions, illnesses and minor injuries. Of course, our urgent care centers and emergency department remain available for those who need urgent or emergency care.
As we have always been and will continue to be…..Hurley is here for you.
Current Information
For immediate, up-to-date information on Covid-19, Hurley Medical Center recommends the official website of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) at For detailed information regarding the status of Covid-19 in Michigan, please visit
What should I do if I’m symptomatic (cough, fever, difficulty breathing) and suspect I may have been exposed to COVID-19?
Contact your doctor if you have symptoms such as fever, cough, or difficulty breathing and have been in close contact with a person who has COVID-19, or if you live in or have recently traveled from an area with existing cases of COVID-19. Your healthcare provider will work with the local health department to determine if you need to be tested for COVID-19. They will also provide you with guidance for how to manage your visit to their office and what precautions you should take to avoid infecting others. If possible, virtual or telehealth visits should be used if available to avoid spreading the virus. If in-person care is necessary, the office may advise you to wear a surgical mask if you have one; wait in your vehicle/outside to be transported into the facility away from other patients; and more.
Who gets tested for COVID-19?
The CDC has issued guidance to healthcare providers for determining which patients likely need testing. Providers will use their judgement of a patient’s symptoms, travel history and risk factors to evaluate a patient. The provider will then contact the local health department to make a final determination and execute the testing process.
Does everyone who suspects COVID-19 need medical treatment?
No. The vast majority of cases diagnosed thus far around the world have been mild or completely without symptoms and may be cared for by staying home and using comfort care similar to those for a cold: fluids, rest and over-the-counter medications. Hospitals will focus on caring for those who have more severe cases of the virus, such as populations with underlying health issues that put them at greater risk.
Where is the best source of up-to-date information about COVID-19?
For residents and providers in Michigan, the MDHHS website is the best place to start as it contains both Michigan-specific information and the CDC’s guidance for the public and healthcare providers. You can visit the site at