Behavioral Medicine

Our Behavioral Medicine program provides a safety net for patients going through treatments for any number of mental illnesses. The majority of cases fall within the categories of thought disorders and affective disorders. You’ll be an integral part of the team of nurses, mental health technicians, social workers and activity therapists serving both in- and out-of-county patients that are either voluntarily or involuntarily admitted.

After initial assessment by a registered nurse consulting with staff psychiatrists, our focus is on medical management and structured programs to develop coping skills and tools to use outside the hospital setting. Provisional discharge planning begins the day of admission, and is amended throughout the course of hospitalization based on the needs of the patient and available community resources.

In the interest of a safe, protected and compassionate environment, the 35 beds in this locked unit are separated into two areas: a 17-bed unit for women and 18 beds for male patients.